Classes and events below are being organised Bristol CI and independently by others. To find out what is going on sign up to our mailing list, go to our Facebook Group, Facebook Page or look at the events calendar below.

Basics to Beyond, Bristol, 2024-2025 - a course in Contact Improvisation - 6 full days over 6 months
A six-month training & exploration in CI, led by Asher Levin. A foundational & adventurous journey with a steady group. šā *study basic principles in [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Moving Between Places - with Lucia Navarro
A key member of the Bristol CI organising and teaching teamĀ over the past years, Lucia recently moved back to Spain to deepen her studies of [...]

Bristol CI Jam
(Image by Giulia Ravarotto) Come and jam 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.Join us for an evening of Contact Improvisation, hosted by Bristol CI.The [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Super Soft - A Weekend Intensive with Rick Nodine
Booking In this weekend intensive we will ask questions with our dancing about the quality of softness. What does it mean to be soft [...]

Bristol CI Jam
(Image by Giulia Ravarotto) Come and jam 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.Join us for an evening of Contact Improvisation, hosted by Bristol CI.The [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Earth Patterns & Flight Paths
2 Contact Improvisation workshop days to extend your CI movement vocabulary. āLearn movement patterns and pathways, integrated into partner work to train your bodyās [...]

Bristol CI Jam
(Image by Giulia Ravarotto) Come and jam 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.Join us for an evening of Contact Improvisation, hosted by Bristol CI.The [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Bristol CI Jam
(Image by Giulia Ravarotto) Come and jam 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.Join us for an evening of Contact Improvisation, hosted by Bristol CI.The [...]

Stretching the form: Affor(dances) - Contact improvisation Meeting
JoaquĆn Alfe (Bristol): Stretching the form: Affor[dances] Contact Improvisation Meeting 12-13th April 2025 [EVENT DETAILS] Sat / Sun 12th and 13th April 2025 9.30am to [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Bristol CI Jam
(Image by Giulia Ravarotto) Come and jam 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.Join us for an evening of Contact Improvisation, hosted by Bristol CI.The [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Bristol CI Jam
(Image by Giulia Ravarotto) Come and jam 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.Join us for an evening of Contact Improvisation, hosted by Bristol CI.The [...]

Dancing the Unknown - Richard Parker
Dancing the Unknown Improvisation as a Shared Journey Contact Improvisation Workshop with Richard Parker Let go of expectations, tune into the art of listening and [...]

Contact Improvisation Beginners Classes
Bristol Contact Improvisation presentsOngoing beginners classes (2hrs class) covering the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation. Here is what it can look likeĀ Teachers: Yasin Hussain, Edwina [...]

Earth Patterns & Flight Paths
2 Contact Improvisation workshop days to extend your CI movement vocabulary. āLearn movement patterns and pathways, integrated into partner work to train your bodyās [...]
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