In this weekend intensive we will ask questions with our dancing about the quality of softness.
What does it mean to be soft in a CI dance and what does it achieve?
Why did Steve Paxton say “tension masks sensation” ?
Do I know how much muscle tone I use to dance?
When could I use less force or tone?
Do I copy my partners tone or force?
Are there situations in which being soft is wrong?
This workshop will explore these questions through carefully framed improvisational tasks (focused dances) followed by discussion and feedback.
Thoughtful dances and embodied conversations will feedback into more conscious dances.
This workshop is for any dancer who is looking for more awareness and enjoyment from Contact Improvisation.
Rick’s Biography;
‘My dancing began socially as a teenager and the first technical form to channel my enthusiasm was Contact Improvisation. After some modern dance training I performed through the 90’s for British contemporary dance companies.
I maintain an improvisational performance practice and have collaborated with many dancers, actors, musicians and designers to create improvised performance.
As a choreographer, I have made work for many contexts, including major Opera houses, small theatres, art galleries, touring dance companies and warehouse parties.
I started teaching Contact Improvisation in 1996 and gradually expanded the scope of my pedagogy to include performance improvisation, solo dancing, ensemble composition and voice/movement techniques.
For 20 years I was a member of staff at London Contemporary Dance School where I taught Composition and Improvisation. I have been a guest teacher in many institutions and festivals such as CNDC Anger (France), National Taiwan University of Arts, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Freiburg Festival, APA Hong Kong and The Royal Ballet School.’
Practical information:
Timings for both days –
1000-1030 arrivals
1030-1330 first part of class
1330-1500 lunch (not provided)
1500-1800 second part of class
Doors open at 10.00am for a 10.30am start, please arrive on time.
Please wear comfortable clothes to move in.
Please bring a water bottle and food – some refreshments will be provided. There will be a 90m lunch break should you wish to go to town for food. There is a fully equipped kitchen for heating your own packed lunch.
You may wish to bring warm layers, a yoga mat, some cusions or something soft to lie on should you wish to take some time for some solo improvisation/rest.
A notepad and pen is also worth bringing.
We have bursary positions available for this event. Please get in touch if you are someone who cannot attend due to price being a barrier.
Any questions or queries? Please email jessdalg@hotmail.co.uk
Venue Address;
23 Park Rd, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1AZ
There is capacity for 10 cars on site.