Beginner friendly pre-jam warmup class 5.30-6.30pm followed by the jam 6.45-8.30pm. Dancers can come just for the class, £5, or stay for the jam, £7.
For more information feel free to contact the teacher/facilitator or info@contactdance.co.uk. We send out regular emails of class descriptions, to get these, please sign-up to our mailing list.
Class Description
Constructing the contact improvisation body
In this hour before the jam starts we will practice sharing weight; following a rolling point of contact; modulating our weight; lifting someone; getting used to inversion; offering a plateau; extending into falling; having our landing gear ready… Through these practices we will enrich, refine and define our contact improvisation body.
What is the relation of this specific way of living our physicality that is “doing contact”, to the many other ways we have of being embodied – our other bodies? What choices do we have in the relationships between the contact improvisation body and our other bodies? When do we incorporate an everyday gesture into contact? When does a touch mean something completely different in one body than it means in another? When does a sensibility born in contact improvisation unexpectedly appear in our everyday life?
Daniel Mang has been doing bodywork professionally for the last 25 years and teaching contact improvisation since 1990. His movement background includes aikido, the Feldenkrais Method and Body Mind Centering. He lives in London.