Beginner friendly pre-jam warmup class 5-6.30pm followed by the jam 6.30-8.30pm. Doors will be closed for the duration of the class to keep the focus, so please arrive early to attend the class, you can arrive at any time for the jam. Dancers can come just for the class, £6, or stay for the jam, £9. You can also book on MoveGB
For more information feel free to contact the teacher/facilitator or info@contactdance.co.uk. We send out regular emails of class descriptions, to get these, please sign-up to our mailing list.
Class Description
Hugh is a Freelance Dance artist specializing Contact Improvisation and Contemporary Dance. He trained at Northern School of Contemporary Dance and has worked as a performer and teacher for over 10 years.
Throughout the past few years he has been training in different movement disciplines- from Contact Improvisation and Yoga, to Circus and Tai Chi – to gain a deeper understanding of the body and the power of moving with presence and awareness.
He teaches with a variety of different approaches to all ages and abilities, with a focus on creating an inclusive and open environment in which participants can feel free and able to discover new ways of moving. A space of ‘serious play time’!
The focus of class will be on accessing and exploring our individual movement patterns, progressing on to simple exercises to come into contact. Working with imagery to discover freedom in motion. Exploring the ‘Animal Spine’, spiral pathways and building momentum.
Exercises will alternate between contact and solo work to connect both to oneself and to the group as a whole. Emphasis will move on to improvised duets where we learn some pathways and techniques to enter and leave a dance.
This is a space to move with the joy, freedom and connection we can experience in Movement with others.
The Jam
A jam is an informal gathering of dancers. There is no teacher, but space and time to develop skills and confidence. You are free to dance, rest, or sit and watch, as you wish. The jam provides an opportunity to explore and integrate techniques you have learned, and to find your own routes into dancing.
At some jams a teacher will facilitate a score to follow such as a focused (silent) jam, the Underscore (developed by Nancy Stark-Smith), or a blindfold (or eyes-closed) jam, this will normally be advertised via our regular mailout – so sign-up if you want advance notice.