CI Library

If you wish to borrow any items from the library please contact Jocasta or 07875 151582

These resources have either been sourced by Bristol Contact Improvisation or are being offered on loan by individuals. You are very welcome to borrow any items from the library. Please return in the same condition so that others can benefit from these resources. If you have any resources you would like to include in the library please get in touch.


Author/Title                                  Notes/ Description                                             Year/ Issue


CQ Winter/Spring 2020

Vol 45 No 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2019

Vol 44 No 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2019

Vol 44 No 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2018

Vol 43 No 2

CQ Summer/Fall 2017

Vol 42 No 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2017

Vol 42 No 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2015

Dance Directory + Additional Supplement

Vol 40 No 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2015

Vol 40 No 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2014

Dance Directory + Additional Supplement

Vol 39 No 2

CQ Summer/Fall 2014

CQ Chapbook 5

Vol 39 No 2

CQ Summer/Fall 2013

Dance Directory + Additional Supplement

Vol 38 No 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2013

Chapbook 4 Emergent improvisation

Vol 38 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2012

? Missing

Vol 37 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2012

Vol 37 Nr 1

CQ Annual 2011

Vol 36 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2011

Chapbook 2 The Goldberg Observations

Vol 35 Nr 2

CQ Summer/Fall 2010

Dance Directory + Additional Supplement

Vol 35 No 2

CQ Summer 2010

Chapbook 1 – ?missing

Vol 35 Nr 2

CQ Annual 2010

? Missing

Vol 35 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2009


Vol 34 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2009

Special Focus: CI’s 36th Anniversary – 2 copies

Vol 34 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2008

Special Focus: Activism and Community

Vol 33 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2008

Special Focus: Feedback and Articulation

Vol 33 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2007

Special Feature: Alternative Formats – 2 copies

Vol 32 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2007

Place 2 – 2 copies

Vol 32 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2006


Vol 31 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2006

Special Focus: Found on the web – 2 copies

Vol 31 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2005

Vol 30 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2005

Agnieszka borrowed 28/07/15

Vol 30 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2004

Vol 29 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2004

Vol 29 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2003

Vol 28 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2003

Vol 28 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2002

Special Issue: Authentic Movement

Vol 27 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2002

? Missing

Vol 27 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2001

Vol 26 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2001

Vol 26 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 2000

25th Anniversary?

Vol 25 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 2000

Vol 25 Nr 1

CQ Summer/ Fall 1999

Vol 24 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 1999

Vol 24 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 1998

Vol 23 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 1998

Vol 23 Nr1

CQ Summer/Fall 1997

Vol 22 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 1997

Vol 22 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 1996

Focus on Sexuality & Identity 2

Vol 21 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 1996

Focus on Sexuality & Identity 1 – 2 copies

Vol 21 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 1995

? Missing

Vol 20 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 1995

? Missing

Vol 20 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 1994

Vol 19 Nr 2

CQ Winter/Spring 1994

? Missing

Vol 19 Nr 1

CQ Summer/Fall 1993

Vol 18 Nr 2

CQ Summer/Fall 1992

Vol 17 Nr 2

CQ Winter 1992

Dancing with Different Populations

Vol 17 Nr 1

CQ 1991

? Missing

Vol 16 Nr 3

CQ Spring/Summer 1991

? Missing

Vol 16 Nr 2

CQ 1991

? Missing

Vol 16 Nr 1

CQ Winter 1990

Vol 16, Nr 1

CQ Fall 1990

Vol 15 Nr 3

CQ Winter 1989

Vol 14 Nr 1

CQ Fall 1986

? Missing

Vol 11 Nr 3

CQ Winter 1986

Space/Time – Issue 1

Vol 11 Nr 1

CQ Fall 1985

Vol 10 Nr 3

CQ Spring/Summer 1985

Music and Sound Issue 2

Vol 10 Nr 2

CQ Winter 1985

Music and Sound Issue 1

Vol 10 Nr 1

CQ Fall 1984

Vol 9 Nr 3

CQ Fall 1983

Children’s Issue

Vol 9 Nr 1

CQ Fall 1983


CQ Spring /Summer 1983

? Missing

Vol 8 Nr 3/4

CQ Winter 1983

Vol 8 Nr 2

CQ Fall 1982

Vol 8 Nr 1

CQ Winter 1982

Focus on Documentation

Vol 7 Nr 2

CQ Fall 1981

Vol 7 Nr 1

CQ Winter 1981

Focus on Perception

Vol 6 Nr 2

CQ Fall 1980

2 copies

Vol 6 No 1

CQ Summer 1979

Vol 4 No 4

CQ Spring/Summer 1978

Vol 3 No 3/4

CQ Source Book

1975-1992 ? Missing

CQ Source Book II

1993-2007 ? Missing


Hay, Deborah

My body, the Buddhist 2000

Noveack, J. Cyntia

Sharing the Dance – CI & American Culture 1990

Spitfire, Jaren

Standing with trees

Rolf, p. Ida

Rolfing – The intergration of human structure 1997

Juhan, Deane

Job’s Body – A handbook for body work 1998

Hartley, Linda

Wisdom of the body moving 1989

Bainbridge Cohen, Bonnie

Sensing, feeling & action 2008

Keogh, Martin

The Art of waiting- essays on CI

Tsiaras, Alexander

The Architecture and Design of A Man&Woman 2004

Netter, H.Frank

Atlas of Human Anatomy 4th Edition

Ackerman, Dainae

A Natural History of Senses 1990

Nilsson, Lennart


Olsen, Andrea

Body Stories A guide to Experiential Anatomy

Kaltenbrunner, Thomas

Contact Improvisation “Words on Dance”


Participate Issue 4

People Dancing: the foundation for community dance

Participate Issue 3

People Dancing: the foundation for community dance

Participate Issue 2

People Dancing: the foundation for community dance

Currents Winter 2008

A Journal of the Body-Mind Centering Association

Currents Winter 2007

A Journal of the Body-Mind Centering Association

Currents Winter 2006

A Journal of the Body-Mind Centering Association

ConCurrents: Winter 2006

BMC Membership Newsletter

Dance UK Autumn 2013

Issue 86

Dance UK Spring 2011

Issue 80

Lillsved Jam & Seminar 2002

ARTICLES (copies)

Counsell, Colin

An Introduction to 20th Century Theatre. Chapter: Signs of Performance: Post modernism and performance. Routledge 1996

Foster, Susan Leigh

Dance Journal – Fast Forward and Rewind – Dance Journal 2/2001

Eagleton, Terry

Literary Theory – An Introduction. Chapter: Post- structuralism. Benil Blackwell 1983

Paxton, Steve

Fall after Newton transcript

Goldeberg, Rose Lee

World History of Dance: Dance Throughout the World. Chapter: Introduction on Happenings – New York Scene

Sandford, Mariella R.

Happenings and other Acts. A Source Book of Feminist Theatre and Performance

Reinelt and Roach

Critical Theory and Performance. Chapter: General Introduction. 1993

Cixous, Helene

Rootprints Memory and Life Writing. 1997

Ingber, Donald E.

Tensegrity I. Cell structure and hierarchical systems in biology. Journal of Cell Science 116 1157-1173 2023

Madden, Diana & Kortan Kevin

Running & Standing Still – two views if performing for M.G.: The Movie, a dance by Trisha Brown

Waldman M. & Newberg A.

Words Can Change your Brain. Chapter 1. A New Way to Converse

Barrios Solanio, Marlon

CQ Summer/Fall 2016. Dance, Somatics and Neuroscience. An interview with Glenna Batson about her book Body and Mind in Motion

Morein, Andrea

CQ Winter/Spring 1994. A Practice called ROAD. Movement in meditation with Suprapto Suryodarmo in Central Java Indonesia.

Feldenkrais, Moshe

Learn to Learn. A manual to make the recorded lessons easier to grasp and to help you make the most of them when listening. 1975.


Stanley the Skeleton

Eye Blinds

First Aid Kit


Colbert, Gregory

Ashes and Snow 2005

CI Archive DVD

Chute Fall after Newton 2006

CI Archive DVD3

Contact at 10th and 2nd 2006

CI Archive DVD2

Magnesium, Peripheral Vision, Soft Palate 2006

CI Festival Freiburg CI History Talks DVD1 D.

Lepkoff N. Little DVD2 N. S. Smith

Contact Festival Freiburg


Ibiza Contact Festival 2009

? Missing

Bodycarthography Project


Autumn Leaves

A film by Thomas Mettler

Touchdown Dance

  • BCI – Bristol Contact Improvisation
  • JC – Jocasta Crofts
  • AG – Agnieszka Grenckowska
  • KH – K’Lo Harris
  • SL – Simon Leach
  • CC – Claire Coveney

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