Beginner friendly pre-jam warmup class 5-6.30pm followed by the jam 6.30-8.30pm. Doors will be closed for the duration of the class to keep the focus, so please arrive early to attend the class, you can arrive at any time for the jam. Dancers can come just for the class, £6, or stay for the jam, £9. You can also book on MoveGB
For more information feel free to contact the teacher/facilitator or info@contactdance.co.uk. We send out regular emails of class descriptions, to get these, please sign-up to our mailing list.
Class Description
Conversations in the Gravity Field 2. Considering Contact Improvisation as a tool to investigate our body’s orientation as part of a wider interdependent landscape in constant transformation, in this session movement will be explored as a meditative practice. Drawing inspiration from Contemplative Practice of Barbara Dilley, we will investigate the relationship between stillness and movement, as a process o ‘relating’ to our sense of self embedded as part of a wider whole.Acknowledging the path of our attentive state, navigating through the map of the ‘extended’ body, embracing the primal language of gravity as a way to re-negotiate our perspective of the present moment and engage in new conversations with the surrounding environment.
Rebecca’s bio
Rebecca Marta D’Andrea is a dance artist based in Bristol. Her work explores improvisational forms of creativity across different mediums, as a way to investigate the role of perception in shaping and being shaped by our environment. She graduated in Choreography at Dartington College of Arts in 2006, and has ever since continued studying and researching, as well as creating performances and installations in collaboration with other artists and co-organizing performative events to promote the dialogue across art forms. In Bristol she shares elements of her own movement research at The Island Dance Space and facilitates Contact Improvisation classes for Bristol Contact Improvisation. The score written for her movement study “Totem:Archeology of the Body” has been recently published as part of the anthology: “#Performance Project: Complici di una Scena Presente” curated by Max Schiavoni.
She has currently completed an MA in Creative Practice at Trinity Laban, Independent Dance and Siobhan Davies Dance with the support of a Gill Clarke Bursary, of Leverhulme Arts Scholars Awards.
more info on rebeccamartadandrea.wordpress.com
The Jam
A jam is an informal gathering of dancers. There is no teacher, but space and time to develop skills and confidence. You are free to dance, rest, or sit and watch, as you wish. The jam provides an opportunity to explore and integrate techniques you have learned, and to find your own routes into dancing.
At some jams a teacher will facilitate a score to follow such as a focused (silent) jam, the Underscore (developed by Nancy Stark-Smith), or a blindfold (or eyes-closed) jam, this will normally be advertised via our regular mailout – so sign-up if you want advance notice.