Dates: Friday 2nd May 2014 –Monday 5th May 2014
Times: 2nd May: 7:30pm-10pm | 3rd May: 10am-10pm | 4th May: 10am-10pm | 5th May: 10am – 6pm *
Venue: Bristol community dance centre, Jacob wells road.
Offering 3 days of Contact Improvisation jamming, embracing all levels and inviting inquiring body minds.
Its also possible to come to any part of the event, single days, or parts of a day, please see the schedule attached at the bottom of the page.
We are excited to welcome two guest teachers from Switzerland, Adrian Russi and Manuela Blanchard Russi who will be leading morning classes. There will also be various jam formats, facilitated and not, music scores form talented local musicians and open lab invitations from local teachers.
Manuela will also be offering an optional full day of Contact Improvisation in Water on Monday 5th May in a heated pool situated on the grounds of Bristol’s Leigh Woods.
Short Video from Manuela
Full Event
- £60 early bird (before 31th March) – Jam only
- £70 (after 31th March) – Jam only
- £15 Single Class (see schedule attached )
- £8 Single Jam ( see schedule attached )
( water day fully booked !)
(Includes basic refreshments but not food and accommodation)
For any further question or queries please contact Claire Coveney , Tel: 07773738241
* exact timings may change
Adrian Russi
For more than twenty years Adrian has been deeply involved in the exploration of the body and many things more that go beyond but stay connected with the physical basis. Beside the dance he has studied martial art (Wu Chi, Tai Chi, Escrima, Kung Fu), bodywork and energy work. Starting with Contact Improvisation in 1992 , New Dance and Open Improvisation joined short time later. And since then dance has kept him – “it influences and inspires my life to a high degree”. After finishing his studies in New Dance at “bewegungs-art” in Freiburg / Germany Adrian started teaching Contact Improvisation and New Dance and initiated “Arte Schoki”, a company working with open improvisation on stage, and this became the basis of further performance work. Formation went on continuously in different ways (workshops, festivals, laboratories) and with various teachers, among them Steve Paxton and Nancy Stark Smith who have started to develop CI in the early seventies with a group of other movers. A big influence also came from Lilo Stahl, Andrew Harwood and David Zambrano. Besides the dance Adrain studied Craniosacral Bodywork what has been very important for my understanding of the subtle connections within the body.
Manuela Blanchard Russi (originally a sociologist/ethnologist from french speaking Switzerland)
Has taught contact improvisation and new dance for the past 10 years after having trained intensively and performed in dance, physical theatre, clown and synchronised swimming for the past 25 years. Discovering improvised dance touched a very profound core in her, and led her to meet great teachers (such as Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith, Kirstie Simson, Martin Keogh und Andrew Harwood) and to continue to explore the form with others. Manuela is also a water body therapist, certified in WATSU® & Water Dance®, and trained in Healing Dance®. Her love for contact improvisation and aquatic bodywork has brought her to develop “Contact Dance in Water” in 2007, as an integration of her different passions. She is been teaching CI in water, in nature and even on the dance floor 😉 in several contact festivals abroad (Israel water & CI festivals, Moscow, CMC Göttingen, Cadaquès, Grenoble, Fuerteventura, Ibiza, Crete, Tokyo, Freiburg, Thailand). She is also Esalen Massage practitionner (Californian bodywork).
For more information on the schedule and welcome info, please see the attachments below.
Schedule 2014
welcome info NJ 2014