States of Being and Becoming
Explorations in Contact Improvisation – increasing our vocabulary of movement possibilities
8 week course. Open to all levels. Drop in welcome.
Date: Starts Wednesday 26th March – ends Wednesday 14th May 2014
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Venue: The Willow Studio, St Werburghs Primary School, James Street, Bristol BS2 9US
Cost: £10 (£8 conc) drop-in. £60 for the course (2 classes free)
Contact Improvisation opens a door to a world of fun, creative expression, joy in movement, and awareness. To get the most out of it, having a healthy mix of technique alongside an openness and ability to improvise really helps.
The aim of this course is to find ways in to the dance by connecting to where we are in the moment and offering explorations of other states; through improvisational scores, imagery, and bodywork. Weaving in exercises of CI fundamentals to embody the techniques of the form.
Areas we will cover include; connecting to ourselves, the floor and our partners, attuning our listening, exploring movement patterns and pathways, working with restrictions, finding disorientation, finding ease and flow. There will also be time for discussion and open dancing.
There will be a progression of material, so attending the whole course is recommended, but drop in is also welcome.
- Class 1: 26th March – A 3-part journey of listening; moving from your internal landscape of feeling and sensation, into aware contact through touch with others, then outwards into a wider sense of the space, as we dance in and out of contact.
- Class 2: 2nd April – Working with ease and flow and exploring the awkward.
- Class 3: 9th April – Massaging into Movement: we will use bodywork to bring awareness and movement from our skin, muscles and bones.
- Class 4: 16th April – Evolution in movement: exploring natures pathways and our animal bodies.
- Class 5: 23rd April – Nature in Movement
- Class 6: 30th April – Covered by Lisa May Thomas Piloting – working with eyes closed/blindfolds
- Class 7: 7th May – Orientation & Disorientation
- Class 8: 14th May –
Bring yourself as you are, loose comfortable clothing, kneepads if you have them, a curiosity to explore and an openness to be inspired from new ways in. It also helps to have a notebook to support your learning.
To book your place or find out more, email Saskia on saskia@contactdance.co.uk or phone 07904 121 646.