DYNAMIC ANATOMY: Fascial Flow / Arms as Roots – an Axis Syllabus based Dynamic Anatomy workshop with Zoë Solomons.
Our hands and arms have unique expressivity and tactile intelligence. The evolution and experience of which lives in their fascial connective tissue.
In this workshop we will observe the fascial anatomy of the arms; the layers of connective tissue that wrap, support and connect our upper limbs to our trunk and legs.
This anatomical enquiry will be a starting point for movement exploration, tuning us into sensory specificity, support and connection to reach, spiral and take weight through the arms.
We may do short movement motifs as well as free movement as we practice together. All aspects are opt-in and are adaptable for movers of all levels of experience. The emphasis of these sessions is to develop our own movement research/exploration. Honouring our individual and collective body intelligence.
Previous workshop participants report that the experience was supportive for varied practices of rowing, gardening, running, yoga, parenting, as well as dancing.
Expect embodied learning and functional movement that can open up the natural joy & sensuality of having a human body!
Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of May 2024
Space will be open for your own warm up from 9.30am
10am-1pm Morning session
1-2.30pm Lunch
2.30-5.30pm Afternoon session
Space will be open for your own warm up from 9.30am
10am-1pm Morning session
1-2.30pm Lunch
2.30-5.30pm Afternoon session
@ Trinity Rooms, Field road, Stroud (about a ten minute walk into town with lots of cafe/market options, and a five minute walk to Waitrose)
Earlybird price £110 until March 15th. Tickets will then increase to £130. If this price is inaccessible for you please reach out and we will try and find a way for you to join.
To book please either pay the full price or make a deposit of £60 via Paypal to https://paypal.me/SophieMarsh1?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB (make sure you select ‘friends and family’). Ref: ARMS. Please email sophieroffmarsh@hotmail.com to let us know you have made payment.
Full payment is due 3 weeks before the event (13th April).
To exchange tickets please email sophieroffmarsh@hotmail.com and let us know the name changeover. There is a £5 admin fee for this.
Refunds can be issued upto 3 weeks before the event (13th April) for a £10 admin fee. After this we can offer you a 50% refund or you are welcome to find someone else to buy your ticket and let us know the name change for a £5 admin fee. No refunds available less than 5 days prior to the event.*
*Extenuating circumstances include severe injury, bedbound illness or family death.
We have set this cancellation policy to support you in honouring the commitment to yourself, and to support us in creating a viable event. We appreciate your collaboration and understanding.
Contact Sophie – sophieroffmarsh@hotmail.com – with any questions regarding the workshop/payment etc.
Zoë is a dancer/mother/teacher/Osteopath and activist. Zoë qualified to teach Axis Syllabus universal motion principles in 2008, when teaching she combines this knowledge with anatomical understanding from her work as an osteopath with dancers and athletes. She has taught at major dance centres and schools in the U.K. and internationally. Her eclectic training in medicine and bodywork, and a dance background including improvisation, tango, folkdance and contemporary inform her embodied approach to functional movement pedagogy.
More about Zoë here: http://www.motionislotion.co.uk/
And Axis Syllabus here: https://www.axissyllabusforum.org/
And Axis Syllabus here: https://www.axissyllabusforum.org/