Back for the Autumn with something to warm your heart as the days draw in and the nights get colder. Let’s celebrate this gathering and harvesting season; can we fall as a leaf from a tree, or gather and sweep up majestically like wind blown foliage?
Contact Improvisation Classes
Taught by Saskia Chaplin and Alistair Edmunds
Alistair and Saskia will share the teaching of this course, alternating sessions. We will offer more in depth explorations of the fundamentals of CI, enabling you to develop core skills to support fluidity and safety, whilst opening up to new possibilities in your movement.
The course is suitable for beginners as well as those experienced in the form. You are welcome to join for the whole course, for which there is a discount, or to attend on a drop in basis.
For our regulars we will be gathering and enriching some of the skills you know, we will dig deeper and find the new within the familiar.
For people new to the form this will be an ideal introduction, as always, with contact there are many levels, in which to engage.
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Contact Improvisation (CI) is based on the physical exploration of how the body moves through its own intelligence and how two or more bodies in contact with each other can move together, a dance that fine tunes your senses and wakes up your ability to listen and respond to what is happening in the moment. Sometimes wild and athletic, sometimes quiet and meditative, it is a form open to all bodies and enquiring minds.
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Bring yourself as you are, loose comfortable clothing, kneepads if you have them, a curiosity to explore and an openness to be inspired from new ways in. It also helps to have a notebook to support your learning.
Venue: The Willow Studio, St. Werburghs Primary School, James Street, Bristol, BS2 9US
Cost: £10/£8 conc. (discount for booking all 14 classes £100 or 7 in a row for £52)
Contact: Ali 07805 762998 alistair@contactdance.co.u
For more information and updates go to www.contactdance.co.uk or join the Facebook event.