Agnieszka Grenckowska
Contact Improvisation Dance is my liberation from the known, from the physical restrictions and communication boundaries. It is a constant negotiation of two constitutions, that of the fire and that of the water. In my practice, I consider myself as a student, and when I am given opportunity to teach I like to offer the style of working, where each individual can play with their own unique trail of practicing the form. In the CI practice I do not seek to acquire I want to learn how to best live the natural principles of falling and rising, of gravity, finding and losing centre and of sharing weights. I am currently hosting the ongoing Bristol CI jam and supporting the cultivation of the local CI community. Currently, through my movement exploration I am remembering what my place in the natural world is.
In 2013, I am helping to organise ECITE in Poland
mobile: 07871 455025 email: