A Contact Improvisation event to connect to people and land. A relational practice to wake up our own nature in urban wilderness.
11-12 Arriving and Land Meditation by Rowan Quarry
12-14 CI class by Laura Doehler
14- 17 CI jam
17- 19 Sauna
Unwind with entering this magical place near Eastville Park where nature radiaties agency and a natural spring forms the backdrop for an initial meditation for you to arrive and enter a life -centric focus and practice.
It is followed by a 2 hour Contact Improvisation class by Laura whose long standing CI practice (more than 10 across France, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Turkey) has been informed greatly over the past 3 years by working outdoors in natural habitats. Her CI practice involves the body as land and the land as body. It is a sense making of collectivity that expands the otherwise social focus of CI for a more wholesome ecologically inclusive view of togetherness. Her teachings make space for the explorative and the experiential, instigating a freedom in movement by understanding what it is we need to root and how connectivity situates belonging and change. More information about Laura is on her website of Exit Map, a community dance company she formed and is co-director of: https://www.exitmap.org/laura-doehler
We then transition into a jam for 3 hours.
We encourage you to bring light food to picnic and share around the spring or near the dance space wherever you feel drawn to linger and rejuvenate.
Our offer for the closure for this extended movement practice is to stay on, enjoy the space and the sauna that we will fire up especially for you.
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/body-to-land-contact-improvisation-tickets-880706154817