A group for CI enthusiasts committed to a regular rigorous CI practice. This is a self-facilitated, dedicated group practice space, co-created by all. Grounding in CI is needed to join.
Time: Friday Mornings 9.30-11.30am
Place: The Hideout, Unit 2, White Street, St Judes, Bristol, BS5 0TS
Commitment: this group asks for a commitment to attend, to support a depth of practice as we move together over time. Currently we do this by semester.
Cost: shared equally, currently less than £2.50 per session. Once committed, you are asked to pay for the rest of the semester upfront.
This is a closed group, to facilitate a depth of focus and practice. As decided by the group, newcomers may be invited to join at points, either during the existing semester, or at the beginning of the next.
Please contact us first before turning up, as space is limited.
There is currently scope for a few new people to join the group. To find out more, contact Saskia on 07904 121 646 briefly sharing what interests you in joining this group, and what you would bring to the practice. Alternatively, connect with one of the existing members of the group if you know any of them, to discuss if it is something that would suit.