Contact Improvisation, our Moving Body.
Monday evenings 7.15pm-9.45pm, Returns 16th January 2012.
Taught by Jamus Wood & Lee Bolton
- Taster sessions £5 January 16 & 23.
- 8 Week course begins January 30, Cost £65 / £55 conc
- At the Wild Goose Space, 228 Mina Road, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9YP.
- Tel: 07966498596
- email: info@embodiedpresence.co.uk
- www.embodiedpresence.co.uk.
The Teaching
This course draws together two strands of teaching material. A systematic approach to contact improvisation developed by Joerg Hassmann and Daniel Werner and non stylised movement practice as pioneered by Helen Poynor. These are strong influences in the content of this course. The teaching style and the music is very much our own, and the content is our own personal relationship to this material.
Each class will follow a pattern of warm up and arriving, followed by technical and developmental movement exercises and then onto a more open improvisation space to play with what we have learned.
- Week 1: Finding Centre and the Fish Body
- Week 2: Basic Principles
- Week 3: Yield, push and reaching.
- Week 4: Soft Spine and Spinal Push
- Week 5: Naval Radiation
- Week 6: Dancing Spirals and Rolling
- Week 7: Learning to Fall
- Week 8: Lifts and Counter Balance
- Week 9: Dancing Conversations
- Week 10: Skills for Jamming.
About Lee
I suppose you could say at the heart of it all I am a dancer. It seems my body was born to move. My softness, my passion, my sadness, my rage, my sensuousness, my sense of chaos all come through when I dance. This is where more than anywhere else I can be close to myself and have the capacity to touch life with freshness.
My passion for dance and in particular the drive to be as authentic in each moment as possible has led me from 5 Rhythms to Contact Improvisation and latterly into a practice of Non-Stylised movement based on the teachings of Helen Poyner.
This has led me to co-design a series of classes and workshops that interweave the teachings of fundamental movement, contact improvisation and presence based on the Movement of Being (Devon) teachings.
Dance for me is a metaphor for life. How can I really meet myself? How can I truly be here in this moment to experience life and meet you? This is what fascinates me. Movement offers the opportunity to ask these questions, with the potential to experience depth and understanding.
I offer a space for this exploration.
About Jamus
I love to move, to inspire creativity through dance and connection. I teach and guide classes in Contact Improvisation, Instinctual Movement, Somatic Yoga and perform with the Touch Down Dance.
I like it simple. I find that working with simple themes can take us deep into our own experience and are pathways to presence and embodiment. So themes I work with like arriving, how do we arrive into contact with ourselves, into a space and with another. I find this a fascinating topic.
Unusually, my path has been defined by a congenital eye condition – I almost lost my sight 10 years ago. Six operations on, my sight is improving, with future operations pending. I have found ways to transform my wounding into a unique gift. My life is not what it would have been without my eye condition, many doors initially shut, while others opened.
Along my journey, I have had the good fortune to work with many gifted teachers, many echo’s of these teachings live in my teaching today. Key figures are Malcolm Manning, Helen Poyner, K J Holmes, Lisa Nelson, Nancy Stark Smith, Miranda Tufnel, Katy Dymoke, Adam Bradpiece, Ray Chung, Angela Dony.