Touch into Movement workshop Bristol 23/24 May 2015
Parallels between shiatsu and CI are examined and explored as different levels of touch and weight give rise to similar bodily connections and pathways in both practices. Drawing on the movement vocabulary of Contact Improvisation, judo, and shiatsu, we will mix and match, contrast and compare and re-invent new ways of using our bodies as we work with the bodies of others. These classes will work with the individual´s particular way of moving and the organization of their body to enable the effortless, integration of movement and bodywork (shiatsu) into dancing. Fundamental concepts of shiatsu, meridians, and tsubos, as well as functional and experiential anatomical features will be covered. Some experience with dance or CI is desirable but not essential.
Ray Chung is a performer, teacher, engineer, and artist
who has a passion for dancing which he likes to share
with other people. His main focus is improvisation and he
has worked with Contact Improvisation since 1979 as part
of improvisational performance practice and integrates
other movement forms into his work, including martial arts,
bodywork and Authentic Movement. Ray has worked with
the leading proponents of Contact Improvisation and
regularly collaborates with dancers, musicians, and other
artists. His work has been featured at numerous national
and international festivals and venues. Currently based in
San Francisco, Ray regularly teaches abroad.
Fixed price for the event is £90 Book here: http://contactdance2.apphb.com/Touch-into-movement-May-2015/Bookings/Create
All levels of experience welcome – please ask if you have any questions about this. Contact:
This workshop is intended to be a small intensive workgroup so please book early.
What to expect at Touch into Movement weekend?
Contact Improvisation is an evolving system of movement form based on the communication between two moving bodies that are in physical contact and their combined relationship to the physical laws that govern their motion—gravity, momentum, inertia.
It is a free play with balance, bringing forth a physical/emotional truth about a shared moment of movement that leaves the participants informed, centered, and enlivened. [ early definition by Steve Paxton and others, 1970s, from CQ Vol. 5:1, Fall 1979 ]
In my recent years of practicing CI, I became curious about some of the in – the – body pathways that often enable more easy and natural flow of solo dance and may be pivotal for our level of openness into sensation and skills of negotiation in improvisation dialogues. I look forward to experiencing where we get to go together at the Touch Into Movement.
Agnieszka Grenckowska
Shiatsu is a bodywork therapy, which supports body’s natural wisdom and intuition creating space for healing.
Shiatsu has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and its diagnostics but the very important aspect is based on the human contact, touch in the present moment.
As Shiatsu so much relates to the movement of energy in the body or its restricted flow, a practitioner follows it intuitively, meeting another where the need is. And in this meeting there is a great potential for transformation and healing.
In my own work as a shiatsu practitioner I greatly value a spontaneous and playful approach to shiatsu and I am very excited about the opportunity Touch Into Movement workshop will give.
Lets all dive into unknown…
Kasia Bratek