Event organised by Simon Leach.
I’ve created this event to prepare myself for playing music at the London Mini CI Fest later this month. I would be delighted if as many Bristol dancers as possible would come and help me by jamming to my sounds!
The plan is for doors to open at 5 for personal warmups. At 5:30 I will lead a short group warmup encouraging people to connect first deeply to themselves and then to begin to connect with each other. I will encourage us to work as an ensemble, building awareness of the beauty of the spontaneous choreographies that we create together. We will then jam until 7:30.`
After space for verbal reflections we will eat. Please bring scrumptious food to share! We will have the space until 9:30, so there will be plenty of time to eat, chat and then clear up.
I’ll be accepting donations to help pay for the room hire. If there are 20 people there then £4.50 each would cover it.
Looking forward to jamming with you 

Any queries, email me at simonleach1@talktalk.net