London based, Rick Nodine comes to teach a weekend of Contact Improvisation in Bristol, focusing on making and breaking patterns in dance.
LEVEL: Beginners and up
DATE: Saturday 3rd & 4th February 2024 9.30am – 5.30pm
Early Bird Full Weekend: £90
After 01 Jan Full Weekend: £70
Ticket can be purchased via the ticket ticket tailor booking system: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/yasinhussain/991711#
If you are on a lower income, we offer the option of paying in a couple of instalments, or at a reduced cost if the price is truly out of your range. Please get in touch to briefly explain your circumstances and we will be happy to assist you with this
St Michael’s Parish Hall, Park Lane, Bristol BS2 8BE
St Michael’s Parish Hall is near the University of Bristol and the city centre. It is a 20-minute walk from Bristol Temple Meads Railway Station. There is also free parking at the venue. Upon booking you’ll be given access to a lift share document.
The hall is a good space for CI with plenty of heating and natural light, also with full access to a kitchen.
This workshop is non-residential benefiting you with a much lower cost and giving you the freedom to make your own arrangements to suit your needs. Upon booking you’ll be sent further information about possible shared accommodation options with other participants or the local Bristol CI community.
My dancing began socially as a teenager and the first technical form to channel my enthusiasm was Contact Improvisation. After some modern dance training, I performed through the 90’s for British contemporary dance companies.
I maintain an improvisational performance practice and have collaborated with many dancers, actors, musicians and designers to create improvised performance.
My choreographic practice has followed and sometimes led the development of my teaching. I started teaching Contact Improvisation in 1996 and gradually expanded the scope of my pedagogy to include performance improvisation, solo dancing and ensemble composition. I still enjoy dancing in my 50’s and my teaching is an extension of that enjoyment.
I am a technically minded teacher who eventually gives way to the inevitability of improvisation
Saturday – Making Patterns
After a somatic warm-up based in image led exploration, we will be mixing improvisational approaches with choreographed movement in order to articulate the soft athletics and multidirectional awareness of CI in solo movement patterns: forward, side and backward rolls, dives, knee slides, handstands, and floor surfing.
From a base of solo awareness we will learn partnering patterns that encourage spherical orientation and challenge us to tumble and roll through space.
By integrating patterns into our free CI dancing we will open space to fall, fly and release as we dance together with risk, humour and vigorous physicality.
Sunday – Breaking Patterns
Movement patterns and habits are essential for life and are part of what make us who we are as individuals, but an over dependence on CI vocabulary can limit our creativity. We will work on how to recognise our patterns, how to appreciate what they do for us and how to find alternatives. By working with reversing, redirecting, interrupting, pausing and focus shifting we will stimulate dances of surprise, play and individuality.
The goal is to create a space of open exploration where CI is a reference point for free improvisation
Yasin Hussain