Beginner friendly pre-jam warmup class 5.30-6.30pm followed by the jam 6.45-8.30pm. Dancers can come just for the class, £5, or stay for the jam, £8.
For more information feel free to contact the teacher/facilitator or info@contactdance.co.uk. We send out regular emails of class descriptions, to get these, please sign-up to our mailing list.
Class Description
This spring we are introducing our Bristol CI Guidelines, currently in their first draft and open for feedback from the community. As part of this introduction teachers of the warm-up will be including aspects of the Guidelines in their class for us to explore together.
The Warmup
Working with our Community Guidelines – Awareness and Witnessing
Working with proximity and distance, find how rich the dance can become, from firstly meeting yourself then coming in and out of contact.
Using simple scores and ‘open-hearted’ witnessing.
Come with an open mind (and open heart!) and a willingness to meet each other by first meeting yourself. A dance of relationships.