Pre-Jam Warmup Class
Beginner friendly class 5.30 to 6.30 followed by the Jam from 6.45pm to 8.30pm.
Dancers can come just for the class for £5, or stay for the class and jam for just £7.
Water Body
Sinking and seeping like ink into paper. Bubbling and flowing like a stream, within our structure, our skeleton. The curled paper floats on top of the water
This class will feature a long slow warm-up connecting to our bodies as Water bag (a term from Butoh Dancer Menako Seki) In partners, then on our own near other bodies.
From this perspective we will practice a couple of dynamic partner exercises time allowing….
This class is inspired from my own bodies need, through accident and injury strain and pain, continually teaching me to connect to the sinking and floating body of water that is our body.